
Viết đoạn văn về Our greener world

Our greener world có nghĩa là làm cho thế giới của chúng ta xanh hơn. Để biết cách làm thế nào để viết một đoạn văn về Our greener world, Toploigiai mời các bạn đi tìm hiểu qua một số đoạn văn mẫu dưới đây!

1. Một số từ vựng có liên quan đến Our greener world

- air pollution /eər pəˈlu·ʃən/ (n): ô nhiễm không khí

- be in need /bɪ ɪn nid/ (v): cần

- cause /kɔz/ (v): gây ra

- charity /ˈtʃær·ɪ·t̬i/ (n): từ thiện

- deforestation /diːˌfɔːr.əˈsteɪ.ʃən/ (n): nạn phá rừng, sự phá rừng

- disappear /ˌdɪs·əˈpɪər/ (v): biến mất

- do a survey /du eɪ ˈsɜr·veɪ/: tiến hành cuộc điều tra

- effect /ɪˈfɛkt/ (n): ảnh hưởng

- electricity /ɪˌlekˈtrɪs·ət̬·i/ (n): điện

- energy /ˈen·ər·dʒi/ (n): năng lượng

- environment /ɪnˈvɑɪ·rən·mənt/ (n): môi trường

- Environmental pollution /ɪn vaɪrən’mentl pə’lu:∫n/ Sự ô nhiễm môi trường

- exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ (v): trao đổi

- greenhouse gas emissions /’gri"nhaʊs gæs i’mɪ∫n/: Khí thải nhà kính

- invite /ɪnˈvɑɪt/ (v): mời

- natural resource /’næt∫rəl rɪ’sɔ:s/(n) Tài nguyên thiên nhiên

- natural /ˈnætʃ·ər·əl/ (adj): tự nhiên

- noise pollution /nɔɪz pəˈlu·ʃən/ (n): ô nhiễm tiếng ồn

- pollutant /pə’lu:tənt/ Chất gây ô nhiễm

- pollute /pəˈlut/ (v): làm ô nhiễm

- pollution /pəˈlu·ʃən/ (n): sự ô nhiễm

- president /ˈprez·ɪ·dənt/ (n): chủ tịch

- recycle /riˈsɑɪ·kəl/ (v): tái chế

- recycling bin /ˌriːˈsaɪ.klɪŋ bɪn/ (n): thùng đựng đồ tái chế

- reduce /rɪˈdus/ (v): giảm

- refillable /ˌriːˈfɪl.ə.bəl/ (adj): có thể bơm, làm đầy lại

- reuse /riˈjuz/ (v): tái sử dụng

- sea level /ˈsi ˌlev·əl/ (n): mực nước biển

- soil /sɔɪl/ (n) Đất

- soil pollution /sɔɪl pəˈlu·ʃən/ (n): ô nhiễm đất

- swap /swɑːp/ (v) trao đổi

- the ozone layer /ðə ‘əʊzəʊn ‘leɪə(r)/ (n) Tầng ô zôn

- to destroy /dɪ’strɔɪ/ (v) Phá hủy

- to preserve biodiversity /prɪ’zɜ:v baɪəʊdaɪ’vɜ:səti/ Bảo tồn sự đa dạng sinh học

- water pollution /ˈwɔ·t̬ər pəˈlu·ʃən/ (n): ô nhiễm nước

- wrap /ræp/ (v) gói, bọc

- to control /kən’trəʊl/ (v) Kiểm soát

- survey /ˈsɜːveɪ/ (n) bài nghiến cứu

- tap /tæp/ (n) vòi nước

- turn off /tɜːn ɒf/ (v) tắt

- reusable /riːˈjuːzəbl/ (adj) có thể tái sử dụng

- rubbish /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ (n) rác thải

2. Viết đoạn văn về our greener world

Viết đoạn văn về Our greener world

Mẫu số 1

Hello everyone! I'm a student in a secondary school. Nowday, our world is more and more polluted because of many reasons for example: Many people throw trashs on the puplic place; many factories dischange the dirty water to the river, lake, and dischange the toxic smoke to the air; ... All of this reasons make the soil polluted, the water polluted, the air polluted. So our health are getting worse, we will feel difficult to break on day. We must have some sollution to solve the problem and many enviroment clubs have established. And I hope all the people in the world will be award and solve this big problem or maybe the humans will exict on day very close.

>>> Tham khảo: Viết đoạn văn về Our world heritage sites

Mẫu số 2

Hi everybody! I'm ... I'm a president of an environmental club. Firstly, I'll encourage students to go to school on foot or by bike. It will be friendly to the environment. The air will be fresher. Next, I'll talk to the teachers at my school about putting recycling bins in every classroom. We can reuse or sell the things in these bins. Finally, I will organize the secondhand item exchange festival where students can swap their old items with their friends instead of throwing them away

Mẫu số 3

 In the morning I get up at 6 o'clock.Every day,I do morning exercise with my father.Then I wash my face and brush my teeth.I have breakfast at half past six.After that I dressed my clothers.And I go to school by bike. 

In my classes I have many classes.I study many subects such as English,Math,Biolgy,Literature.Vietnamse... I English best.Because it is very interesting. 

In the afternoon I play many games.So I badminton with my brother.I always play it in the stadium 

In the evening I do my home work and go to bed at a quater past nine

Mẫu số 4

Today, we all know how our environment is falling. Serious, it can be mentioned: the gas environment, the water environment or even underground are also affected, the impact is not small. So what is the cause of this situation? Can it be said that it is our people. So why do we say that at this time we humans do this ? Because, yes, that is the consequence of our cause, which is hardly a remedy as before. So what do we do to cause this situation? Another question is very popular in every age. Can be explained simply as follows: We ourselves have destroyed all because we have destroyed a very important resource that nature has given. Yes, there is nothing but the big jungle, it seems as impossible to exploit, but now there are many places only a few hundred to a few dozen or where only count on the finger ... As everyone knows, Spicy has many meanings to us such as: the green lung of mankind, climate regulator, supply of wood for industry, .... And yet we leave. No, right now look at reality, review the consequences that we leave and quickly find pracal ways to keep up. This precious resource. Let's help protect our green life.

Mẫu số 5

Nowadays, there are many environmental problems, such as: air pollution, water pollution, ect. So, to protect the environment, I recycle the old things by creating new products from used materials, reuse my plastic bag, give old clothes to charity instead of thowing them away and so on. We also have to save the energy in the kitchen by turn the tap off when you don't wash the dishes, don't litter to reduce the garbage, and we can reuse the paper to make some toys like the paper planes, it's so funny! I'm sure if we can do those things, the environment will be cleaner and greener.

>>> Tham khảo: Viết đoạn văn về Our customs and traditions


Trên đây, Toploigiai đã cùng các bạn tham khảo một số Viết đoạn văn về Our greener world và cung cấp thêm kiến thức bổ sung. Chúng tôi hi vọng các bạn đã có kiến thức hữu ích khi đọc bài viết này, chúc các bạn học tốt và có thật nhiều kiến thức bổ ích để chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi sắp tới. 

Xuất bản : 06/10/2022 - Cập nhật : 06/10/2022