
They had hunted and killed many wild animals. Later they regretted what they had done.

They had hunted and killed many wild animals. Later they regretted what they had done. 

Sử dụng danh động từ hoàn thành để gộp câu

1/ They had hunted and killed many wild animals. Later they regretted what they had done. 

Đáp án: They regretted having hunted and killed many wild animals.

(Họ hối hận đã săn và giết nhiều động vật hoang dã)


1. In the Tree Planting Competition, the students in Group 11G planted the most trees in the schoolyard. They were praised for that. 

(Các học sinh trong nhóm 11G được khen ngợi vì đã trồng được nhiều cây nhất ở sân trường)

2. Someone had cut down the oldest tree in the park. The police suspected Mike of doing it. 

(Cảnh sát nghi ngờ Mike đã chặt cây già nhất trong công viên)

3. He had dumped lots of rubbish onto the beach. He denied it. 

(Anh ấy phủ nhận đã xả rác trên bãi biển)

4. You had saved the lives of hundreds of wild animals. Thank you for that. 

(Cảm ơn vì đã cứu sống hàng ngàn động vật hoang dã)

5. They had hunted and killed many wild animals. Later they regretted what they had done. 

(Họ hối hận đã săn và giết nhiều động vật hoang dã)

6. The factory had dumped tons of toxic waste into the river. It was heavily fined for that. 

(Nhà máy bị phạt nặng vì xả hàng tấn chất thải độc hại ra sông)

7. Denis had taken an active part in the Green Summer activities. He was rewarded for that.

(Denis được thưởng vì đã tham gia hoạt động Mùa hè xanh)

Đáp án

1/ The students in Group 11G were praised for having planted the most trees in the schoolyard in the Tree Planting Competition.

2/ The police suspected Mike of having cut down the oldest tree in the park.

3/ He denied having dumped lots of rubbish onto the beach.

4/ Thank you for having saved the lives of hundreds of wild animals

5/ They regretted having hunted and killed many wild animals.

6/ The factory was heavily fined for having dumped tons of toxic waste into the river.

7/ Denis was rewarded for having taken an active part in the Green Summer activities.

Xuất bản : 14/02/2023 - Cập nhật : 14/02/2023