
Top 3 Write a letter to someone explaining which super powers you would need to achieve your mission

The Universal Postal Union (UPU) has announced the letter writing international competition among the young people up to the age of 15. The theme selected for the competition is “Imagine you are a super hero and your mission is to make all roads around the world safer for children. Write a letter to someone explaining which super powers you would need to achieve your mission”.

No1 - Letter

Dear [Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to share with you my mission as a superhero to make all roads around the world safer for children.

As a superhero, I would need a combination of superpowers to achieve this goal. Firstly, I would need the power of super speed to be able to travel quickly to any location where children are at risk. With my super speed, I could quickly reach any location where accidents are happening and prevent them before they occur.

Secondly, I would need the power of super strength to be able to move heavy objects, such as cars or fallen debris, out of the way to clear the road and prevent any harm to children.

Thirdly, I would need the power of flight to be able to quickly and efficiently survey large areas from the air, identifying any potential hazards on the roads below.

Lastly, I would need the power of invisibility to be able to move around unnoticed, gathering information on any dangers that children might face on the roads. This would help me to identify potential dangers and address them before they cause harm.

With these superpowers, I would be able to create a safer environment for children all around the world. By patrolling the roads, removing hazards, and identifying potential dangers, I would be able to prevent accidents and keep children safe.

I believe that every child deserves to feel safe on the roads, and I am committed to doing everything in my power to make this a reality. Thank you for your support in this mission.


[Your Name], The Road Guardian.

No 2 - Letter

Dear [Name],

I am writing to share with you my mission as a superhero to make all roads around the world safer for children. In order to achieve this goal, I would need a range of superpowers to help me tackle the various challenges that come with ensuring road safety for children.

Firstly, I would need the power of telekinesis, which would enable me to move objects without touching them. This would allow me to clear the road of any obstacles that might pose a risk to children, such as fallen trees or debris.

Secondly, I would need the power of super hearing, which would allow me to detect any potential dangers on the road, such as oncoming vehicles or screeching brakes, from a distance. This would enable me to respond quickly and prevent accidents from occurring.

Thirdly, I would need the power of shape-shifting, which would allow me to transform into any form, such as an animal or a bird, to get a better view of the road from different angles. This would enable me to identify potential hazards and risks that are not immediately visible from the ground level.

Lastly, I would need the power of super speed, which would enable me to move quickly from one location to another to respond to emergencies and prevent accidents from happening.

With these superpowers, I am confident that I would be able to create a safer environment for children all around the world. By using my abilities to identify and prevent potential dangers on the road, I would be able to ensure that children are able to travel safely and without fear.

Thank you for your support in this mission to make the roads safer for children. Together, we can create a better and safer world for our future generations.


[Your Name], The Road Guardian.

No 3 - Letter Wonder Woman

Dear [Name],

As Wonder Woman, my mission is to make all roads around the world safer for children. In order to achieve this, I would need a range of superpowers to help me tackle the various challenges that come with ensuring road safety for children.

Firstly, I would need the power of super strength, which would enable me to move heavy objects, such as cars or fallen debris, out of the way to clear the road and prevent any harm to children.

Secondly, I would need the power of invincibility, which would allow me to withstand any collisions or accidents that might occur while protecting children on the roads.

Thirdly, I would need the power of super speed, which would enable me to move quickly from one location to another to respond to emergencies and prevent accidents from happening.

Fourthly, I would need the power of telepathy, which would allow me to communicate with children and help them to understand the importance of road safety, and to remind them to take the necessary precautions when traveling on the roads.

Lastly, I would need the power of telekinesis, which would enable me to move objects without touching them. This would allow me to clear the road of any obstacles that might pose a risk to children, such as fallen trees or debris.

With these superpowers, I am confident that I would be able to create a safer environment for children all around the world. By using my abilities to identify and prevent potential dangers on the road, and by teaching children the importance of road safety, I would be able to ensure that children are able to travel safely and without fear.

Thank you for your support in this mission to make the roads safer for children. Together, we can create a better and safer world for our future generations.


[Your Name], The Road Warrior.


Xuất bản : 03/03/2023 - Cập nhật : 03/07/2023