
Advantages of being a working mother

The many benefits of working moms and how parenthood makes you a better worker. The biggest positive is financial independence. It boosts self-confidence, gives you the courage to participate in important family decisions as an equal. You don't have to be dependent on anyone for material needs for you and your children. Become Good Role models, it will teach the children the importance of being cooperative with the female of the family and understanding the responsibilities. Working prevents the chances of depression. When you mom works, she has something else to think about other than the household work. She meets people at her work place, interacts with them and has many people in her life with whom she can share. Besides that, she has a source of earning and so develops a sense of self confidence which makes her least prone to depression. To learn more about advantages of being a working mother. let's find out with Toploigiai!

Advantages of being a working mother

1. What is a working mother?

In my humble opinion, every mother who works is a working mom. A working mother can be a mother who works outside of the home, but also mothers who work from home are working mothers. They work in the house instead of at an office.

A working mother can work full-time or even part-time. The amount of hours doesn’t really make any difference. It is still challenging to work part-time.

I also want to emphasize that stay at home mothers work too! They work just as hard as other mothers. In my definition, a working mother is one that earns a salary. Though stay at home mothers deserve a salary, they do not earn money for the hard work they do.

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2. Advantages of being a working mother

a. Working Mothers can be Good Role models

When there is a working lady in the family she makes her sons realise from the very childhood that not only the girls are liable to perform household chores. The girls come to realize that they need to think about their career as it is their first priority. It’s not the marriage and having kids that only matters for a girl. Everyone in the family including the children understands that household chores are family affairs and that it should be the responsibility of everyone in the family and not only the lady of the house. All this in nutshell will teach the children the importance of being cooperative with the female of the family and understanding the responsibilities.

b. Kids develop a sense of being independent

Kids understand that there mom is working day and night to fulfil our dreams and it’s our responsibility to make her feel comfortable. That develops a sense of being a helping hand to their mother. As and when they get a chance to help their mother in some way, they start earning and become independent. In addition to that, children have to take care of them on their own whenever the mother is out for her work. And that makes children develop a sense of independence.

c. Working prevents the Chances of Depression

Typically, there is less financial stress in a family with two incomes or in a situation where a single mom works. Money isn’t everything but it does decrease the stress that can weigh on you. There are stay at home moms that find ways to make money from home but their earning potential can be limited. Being a working mom can make financial stress something that you don’t have to worry about or at least as much. Life can be a lot more enjoyable without financial burdens weighing heavily on you.

d. You have more opportunities to make friends

This goes hand in hand with being isolated as a stay at home mom. Stay at home moms can have fewer opportunities to make friends. Working moms are out among other adults daily and therefore have more chances to make friends. This is important. Friends are important at all ages and stages of life. I think it is especially important that women make a special effort to have close friends to support them through the parenting years.

e. Your life has balance

Being a working mom gives your life balance. Stay at home moms can sometimes struggle with balance because they are with their children so much. When you are a working mom, you have your time with your children and your adult time, too. You don’t usually get so wrapped up in your children that you lose your identity. That can happen easily when you are a stay at home mom.

f. You can take care of yourself

If money gets tight in a family, most mothers will happily and lovingly sacrifice things they want and even need so their children have more. That is an admirable quality and one that most mothers are glad to perform. But it is always nice when you can afford to do things for yourself, too. Generally, working mothers are in a better position to do this. They may be able to enjoy having their nails done or going shopping with girlfriends because of the extra money their job brings in.

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3. Disadvantages of being a working mother

While it has its fair share of upsides, being a working mom also has its downsides. Here are some of them.

a. Working moms are more tired and stressed.

Just imagine working for nine hours, suffering through the traffic while driving home, and going home to restless children who need a parent’s attention. Working moms go through these almost every day, along with other matters they need to attend to.

Advantages of being a working mother

b. They are also prone to health issues.

What happens when you involve working mothers with stress? Health issues. Having the same daily routine with little to no rest can put a mother’s health at risk, which can result to more problems.

c. They may miss out on the lives of their kids.

Some working moms miss out on the opportunity to witness their child’s first word, first step, and other priceless moments. Thus, it’s a drawback faced by a working mom supporting her family.

d. Working moms may also have less time for their family.

At times, they can’t attend family events due to their busy schedules. Also, some working moms tend to dedicate most of their time in their careers, so they may have less attention to family matters.


Toploigiai have answered the question about advantages of being a working mother and provided knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of being working mother. We hope you have had useful knowledge while reading this article, good luck with your studies!

Xuất bản : 06/09/2022 - Cập nhật : 06/09/2022