

Unit 10: Communication

Project (trang 47 SGK Tiếng Anh 8 mới)

'Action. Take one! Action. Take two!'

Hướng dẫn dịch:

Trong các nhóm, chuẩn bị 2 kịch bản ngắn phác họa đến sự gián đoạn giao tiếp để thực hiện trong lớp học.

- Thực hiện kịch bản 1 nơi mà sự phá vỡ giao tiếp diễn ra.

- Sau đó hỏi thính giả giải thích cái gì sai và cách để tránh.

- Kế đến, thực hiện kịch bản 2, nơi mà không có sự phá vỡ giao tiếp diễn ra.

Bạn có thể hỏi giáo viên của bạn để giúp ý tưởng phác họa.

Lời giải:

Sketch 1:

John is an American boy who had moved to Vietnam. That day is the first day John went to school. He was seated next to Mai. Mai started to greet John, and suddenly John hugged and kissed Mai's cheek and made her confused. The classmates were also surprised at John's gesture.

=> Communication breakdown = cultural differences


In the United States, people often greet each other with very close gestures such as hugging or kissing cheeks depending on intimacy or in preliminary relationships and in business, the handshakes are always a way to greet each other politely. and the most civilized.

While in Vietnam - an East Asian country is quite respectful of social hierarchy, the greeting also becomes more complicated depending on the relationship.

Sketch 2:

Akita is a Japanese girl. She is missing her parents for the first time in Vietnam. She is  very scared and cries loudly. Minh asked her, "What's wrong with you?". She replied, "Sorry, I lost my parents." Minh took her to find her parents. Her parents thanked Minh: "Sorry and thank you. Thank you for helping me find my daughter." On the way back, Minh always wondered why she and her parents always apologized and thanked him so much.

=> Communication breakdown = cultural differences


Japanese people often use sentences like "thank you" and "sorry" when talking to others. Meanwhile, Vietnamese people only say thank you when you get some help and apologize when they feel sorry for others.

Xem toàn bộ Soạn Anh 8 mới: Unit 10. Communication

Xuất bản : 04/02/2021 - Cập nhật : 05/02/2021

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