
Looking back

Unit 12: An overcrowded world

Looking back (phần 1 5 trang 66 SGK Tiếng Anh 7 mới)

1. Match the words with their definitions.(Nối các từ sau với định nghĩa của nó.)

1. overcrowded          

2. poor

3. peaceful

4. spacious     

5. busy

A.         too many people

B.         to have very little money

C.        calm and quiet

D.        a large area where it is easy to move

E.         a lot of things happening


1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. E

2. Write a sentence for each of the following words.(Viết một câu cho mỗi cụm từ sau.)

1. Crime is a big problem in cities.

2. Healthcare is very poor in slums.

3. Disease is a big problem in poor countries.

4. We had to face poverty in many years.

5. Education is a key to defeat famine and poverty.

2. Put an appropriate tag question at the end of each sentence. Then match the questions to their answers.(Đặt một câu hỏi đuôi thích hợp vào cuối mỗi câu. Sau đó nối các câu hỏi với câu trả lời.)


  1. We have more tourists this year, _____?
  2. You got stuck in a traffic jam on the way home, _____, Mum?
  3. There will be a solution to this shortage of clean water, ______?
  4. We should do something to reduce poverty, _____?
  5. Big cities suffer more from air pollution, _____?


a. No, there are fewer than last year!

b. Yes, they do, particularly big cities in China.

c. I hope there will.

d. Yes, we should. But how?

e. Yes, as always, dear.


1. don't we - a

2. didn't you -e

3. won't there -c

4. shouldn't we-d

5. don't they-b

Hướng dẫn dịch

1. Chúng ta có nhiều khách du lịch trong năm nay phải không?

2. Mẹ mắc kẹt trong vụ kẹt xe trên đường về nhà phải không?

3. Có một giải pháp cho việc thiếu nước sạch phải không?

4. Chúng ta nên làm gì đó để giảm nghèo phải không?

5. Những thành phố lớn chịu nhiều ô nhiễm không khí hơn phải không?

4. Look at the situation and complete the effects with more, fewer or less.(Nhìn vào tình huống và hoàn thành các hệ quả với more, fewer hoặc less.)

Situation. A new factory will be built in my neighbourhood.

1. The factory will bring ______ jobs to local people.

2. ______ people will move here to work in the factory.

3. These people will need ______ water and electricity.

4. There will be ______ space for children to play

1. more

2. more

3. more

4. less

5. Work in groups. Look at the situations and talk about their possible effects.(Làm việc theo nhóm. Nhìn vào các tình huống và nói về các hệ quả có thể có.)

Situation 1: The karaoke next to your house is attracting more and more young people coming.

A: There is a new karaoke next to my house.

B: Really? It'll be very fun, right?

A: Actually, I don't really like it.

B: Why?

A: Because it is too loud. Its wall was made with low quality so the sound from the karaoke can annoy anyone surronding there.

Situation 2: A flea market has been established in your neighbourhood.

A: Tomorrow is Sunday. What are you going to do?

B: I'm going to the new flea market in my neighbourhood.

A: Ah, yes. It has just been established. Do you like this flea market?

B: Yes, I like it. But there is something I don't like too.

A: What don't you like?

B: The market starts early in the morning and my sleep is usually interrupted. I guess my neighborhood is in the same condition. Trash and garbage after market time is always fulfil the road edge and it pollute the water.

Xem toàn bộ Soạn Anh 7 mới : Unit 12. An overcrowded world

Xuất bản : 04/02/2021 - Cập nhật : 05/02/2021

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